Today I was going through the comments sent my way. Lots and lots of comments for more beach pictures. People find them fascinating. I’m not going to publish those comments because they’re all the same for the most part. I guess the fascination is due to people finding it hard to believe that some beach areas (and other tourist destinations) in Southern California are infested with brown invaders. But they are. I’ve said before that most of these non-whites wouldn’t even exist had it not been for “White charity” (meaning money stolen from Whites) and these “never-should-have-beens” are all over the place. Whether they work or not most of them are receiving some kind of government assistance from Uncle Sam. That includes some of the "good ones" you people know who have good jobs. They're laughing up their sleeve, making 75k and up and making sure their kids get that free lunch and breakfast at school. I know. I speak passible Spanish because I grew up around these people. No, they don't realize I can understand them when they jump into Spanish. Many of your hispanic friends and "good" latinos see you, Whitey, as a naive joke. Better get active and start networking for when it all hits the fan. Because there’s little doubt the government is actively spreading this plague of brown stubbies all over the country. I’ll post more pictures in the coming week.
I was going to hit the news like some of the other local blogs around the country do, you know, pull stories from the LA(tino) Times and local TV “news” and rip the media a new one. The local media is an endless source of material and examples that prove that LA Sucks. Just like (most of) the rest of the country. But even more so!
Then I took another look at some of the comments that have been posted, and a fellow local who goes by the name “Sudaev” mentioned his experiences while on jury duty in downtown LA a couple of weeks ago. I had to serve during July and I took notes intending to use them in the blog I was getting to ready to create. This blog. I was going to use the notes and observations down the line, as they are lengthy, but rather than wait anymore, I figured why not let people know what’s in store for them in the not too distant future? When they are called upon to serve their civic duty in the downtown areas of the nearest Urban center. Downtown areas that increasingly resemble the film “Bladerunner” in terms of population demographics and sheer disorder.

LA has it down pat for those lucky folks who are sent a summons for Jury Duty. If you are summoned to go to the Criminal Courts building, you have hit a double jackpot: First, you have reserved, free parking. It’s just a little over a half mile from the Court building. It’s not only free, but you get some exercise! There’s more than just walking involved in this short workout. You get to dodge the homeless who are hanging around the various government buildings. They are more industrious than their cohorts in other parts of LA. Up and at ‘em. They have their hands out and ready for change at 7:30 in the morning. It’s good to see the American Worth Ethic still exists some places. I’ll bet it’s probably more fun for the people who have to make the trek during a rainstorm.
The second part of the jackpot is that the walk to the courthouse is educational. For White people who don’t have blinders on, that is. You get to see that the majority of workers downtown, City and State employees, are not White. Lots of mexicans and blacks. In suits. You realists out there already know that dressing these people up like a successful, intelligent White person will not make them perform like a successful, intelligent White person. If you’re thinking “Cargo Cult” then you’re on the right track. Therein lies one of the points of today’s rant. Whites have put different systems in place and now they have armies of non-whites running different aspects, sections or “entrances” to those systems. None of them operate the way they are supposed to. The fluidity is lost when you have mexicans and africans in the driver’s seat. And EVERY honest person knows this.
I’m doing my county-mandated workout, walking with the city’s overly tanned employees and a herd of grumpy “civilians” who have been pulled from their regular lives to perform jury duty. I realized I was on a lucky streak while taking my walk. I counted the two-legged toll booths ; seven on one block alone. Lucky seven. All of the panhandlers lining the route to the court were the same that day. All male, all in their thirties, and all black. Every one of them. No doubt they were all victims of racism as we’ve been taught by watching TV. Everything on TV is true, right? Each one of these unfortunates was no doubt 3 to 5 credits short of a PhD in Engineering Physics (from nearby Cal Tech!) when a racist disaster struck and put them out here on the streets of the concrete jungle, fighting for survival every day, the deck stacked against them in a world run by Whites who live only to create misery for the noble black man.
The first six bums on that block weren’t saying anything to me, they were too busy hassling the well dressed men and women walking by. Most of the people you’ll see working downtown or reporting to jury duty are fairly well dressed. I noticed that the blacks, whether well dressed or not, were not hit-upon by the panhandlers. I thought about it for a second, then remembered that blacks don’t leave tips in restaurants. (I was a waiter while in college. That gives me an idea for another post, how tips vary by race. Blacks don’t tip.) Besides not leaving tips, blacks apparently don’t give money to panhandlers either, at least rarely. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Dressed like a bum or in a suit, the panhandlers generally ignored their racial brothers.
Dressed like a bum or in a suit? OK, I'll tell you how I was dressed. When I called the courthouse and listened to the recorded instructions telling me where to report etc, the instructions were direct in stating that “appropriate” dress is required, wear a suit or casual business attire, and so on. Since I was being pulled from work and NOT receiving pay while being ordered to possibly sit in judgment over criminal blacks and browns, I proudly wore clothing that projected the respect I have for the court system as it stands in the US today; a tattered red wife beater, green camouflage shorts, black crew socks, and a beat up pair of Converse All-Stars (Chuck Taylors!) I bought on-line. Topped off with a very old pair of Gargoyle sunglasses, I figured I was sure to blow a few fuses with this get-up. I hoped my uniform would get me kicked out of the pool in one day so I would not have to go back for at least a year. This was the first time I had been summoned in three years, but that is probably going to change. We’ll go into that later.
I said six of the seven homeless turdbirds on that block didn’t say anything to me. I reached a crosswalk and was a millisecond from starting to cross the street when my number came up. “You got change, bruthah?” I turned and looked at him. “Yes, I do!” Then I turned away from him and started across the street. It took a few seconds for him to let go with an answer to this slap in the face. I admit that despite my vast experience in translating Ebonics I couldn’t really tell what he what he was saying. He sputtered and spit, making the same types of noises Jesse Jackson does when giving a speech. The noise is similar to someone working the throttle up and down on an old Moped. A White Guy in his thirties walking next to me, wearing a suit of course, said “You shouldn’t make them mad.” “Why do I care what some Buckwheat thinks?” This particular example of sheeple-americanus turned his face straight ahead and picked up his pace to get away. I notice a couple of well-dressed blacks looking my way. They heard the “Buckwheat” remark. I kept looking at them and they finally turned away shaking their heads. All except one. He kept looking my way and I kept staring back. They went the opposite way when we hit the other side of the street. These folks do not like White People speaking their mind or standing up to them. They’ve been taught that it’s wrong! Wrong no matter what a black is doing - or any other non-white for that matter. They can be racist eight-ways to Sunday, but that’s OK. Let Whitey remark on some uncomfortable truth about blacks or latinos and they’re up on their hind legs screaming, with the govt holding them by the elbows for support. I didn’t care about these well dressed frauds. They all talk a good game, but without numbers or a distinct advantage in physical size, they will not do anything. Unless they’re armed. That element of black and brown psychology is for another day. Besides, there are a lot of cops and Sheriff’s deputies walking around down here as you would expect and that keeps on the street scuffles to a minimum.
I get to the entrance of the Criminal Court bldg. and I’m confronted with a long line of people waiting to get through a security checkpoint. You could pick out most of the lawyers and potential jurors easily. They stand out in a sea of can’t-stand-still blacks and hispanics who are at the court building for all sorts of problems of their own doing. The security is like going through security at LAX. Metal detectors, hand held metal detectors, X-ray machines, Sheriff’s deputies and last and least… black and latino “security personnel” complete with badges, pepper spray, handcuffs and large chips on their shoulders. I get near the front of the line and I’m treated to classic “NEGRO IN CHARGE” behavior. The deputies are keeping an eye on the lines and the trays, so that leaves the amped up black and latino guards with their overblown self-esteem to handle the metal detectors. Some middle aged White Guy has placed everything he had in his pockets into the X-ray trays as instructed. The tray rides the conveyor belt through the X-ray machine while the White Guy walks through the stand-up metal detector. Whoop, whoop. Something sets off the detector. A 50 yr old, shaven headed, bespectacled black security guard steps up to Whitey, metal detector wand in hand. He runs the wand over the puzzled White Guy. “It’s your cell phone.” The White Guy takes it off and places it on the table. The guard runs the wand over him, nothing. That’s all it was, the cell phone. “Ok” says the guard. The White Guy turns to gather his stuff from the X-ray tray. Not so fast. The guard says, “You have to go through the machine again.” “Why?” “Your phone set it off.” The White Guy is puzzled. “I took off the phone, and you did your thing and said ‘ok’.” “You didn’t do it right. You’re ‘sposed to put everything in the basket and walk through! I need you to leave everything in the basket and walk through.” The White Guy isn’t catching on yet. I wonder if anyone has except myself. A fat assed latino guard moves up behind the black guard. Black and brown united in fucking with Whitey. “You have to do things right. Go back through the machine.” The White guy sees that they are going to gang up on him real quick. Shaking his head at the nonsense, he walks back through the metal detector, then comes through again. No alarms. He moves to get this things. “You still need to be checked!” The bald brother runs the wand over the White Guy, again, even though he and everyone else knows that the guy has nothing on his person. It’s all in the tray. Nothing. The brother now feels he has shown who’s in charge. “Now you can go.” Whitey grabs his stuff and walks off while the two guards give each other a very slight grin. Think I’m reading too much into this? Read on.
Five or six people later, a tremendously fat black woman squeezes through the metal detector. I was amazed her buttocks didn’t get stuck in the machine’s doorway. Whoop whoop! The alarm sounds. The bald black guard runs his voodoo wand over her. Same thing. “It’s your cell phone. Next time make sure to take it off.” He’s the picture of lecherous courtesy as he waves her on to go grab her things from the tray and continue on her way. Three other White People have noticed this. They look around to see if anyone else has noticed. One White woman looks my way and I mouth the word “typical” at her. She looks away, scared. Typical. I saunter through with no problem, but I make sure to barely acknowledge the presence of the bald black mini-mind and his wand. I try to give off an air as if I felt he were a butler wiping dust off my shoes. I can tell it pisses him off but what can he do? Actually he could probably do a lot to gum up the works but a few hundred people are waiting to get through and if things get too fouled up the Deputies will most likely take over. That would spoil the brother’s fun.
The elevator ride to the jury room is short but fun. The car is stuffed with a few prospective jurors and several highly irritated black and brown people who are in court to “support” their “homeys” and “fambly” members who are being victimized by a cruel system that occasionally interrupts their criminal activities. Two black women are discussing the case that will occupy their time today. “Rob da likka sto’? Mufuhkin’ Kelvin ain’ da one! Not dis one! Tol’ me Alton be it.” I wanted to hear more, but the pair having this conversation hopped off at the “first stop”. I always miss the good stories.
I follow the signs to the jury room. It’s already filled with over 250 people. Most of them look disappointed. That's because most people do not get paid for jury duty. Unless they work for the city or county. That’s where most of the brown and black people in the pool come from. Civil service. Especially in Los Angeles. Whites, especially White males, have a hell of a time getting city or county jobs here in Los Angeles. They have to be “connected” the way most people who work in television or the movies out here are connected. What? You thought talent and hard work were involved with Hollywood? Oh, there’s some luck involved for some people, but for the most part, Hollywood’s a closed shop. So’s county and city work. (I’ve worked in Hollywood. I’m putting together a guide to “how it works” that will see its day on this blog at some point)
I find a seat and begin to break down the make-up of the crowd. In our pool there’s over 250 people, about 65% of them are White. Should be less since the majority of the city and county are latino. Hold on. The majority of the latinos are illegals. Ok, that knocks their numbers down quite a bit. You also can’t serve jury duty if you’re a convicted felon, so that knocks the numbers of latinos and blacks down even more. Asians look to be about 15% of the pool, so they’re over-represented just like the Whites. Well, they do work and have jobs. There are only 9 blacks in this pool. I wonder if it’s the same on the other floors of the building? The rest of the pool are latinos. The last time I served jury duty the percentage of Whites was about the same, even though our population percentage is dropping in this part of the State. No doubt we, Whites, will end up being summoned every 12 months like clockwork once the rising latino tide of crime starts to hit full strength.
Who’s in charge of rustling the jurors today? The only people I see are latino. Large latinos. Two men and a woman. All three look to be in their early 30’s, which means they could be in their early 20’s given latino standards of health. What do I mean? All three are grossly overweight. The woman is tipping the scales at 250. At 5’4”. One of the guys is a good 275 lbs at 5’7”. The third is about my height (6’3”) but weighs in at 350 at least. He’s massive. He’s so bloated on a frame not designed to carry such a huge load of fat that from behind his arms resemble penguin flippers the way they stick out. How he can clean up after a trip to the toilet is beyond me. Oops. I forgot that mexicans don’t bother to clean up after using the toilet. See my post from last month - "Bon Apetit":
At a little after 8 am they call us to attention and start giving us instructions. In English! English with the “on purpose” mexican accent so common to LA and other parts of Southern California. What do I mean? There are thousands of mexicans in Southern California whose parents and even grandparents were born here and speak English, and then the kids grow up speaking English - and Spanish. What these mexicans do is put on an accent, make sure they sound like some mexican who’s learned English recently. It’s their way of paying homage to the wondrous land of mexico and also a way to speak English but not bow completely to Whitey. A badge of honor. It’s similar to Ebonics.
I’m getting burned out now from the fever and Day-Quil, sorry about any typos, but I promise to finish this in the next day or so. So you can find out why I titled it “The Pipples Court”. I’ll bet a few of you have figured it out already. Things are running a little bit worse each day as more and more black and brown puppets are put in certain driver’s seats in order to torment Whitey. It’s coming your way. Some of this may come off as funny. But it’s actually very sad and symbolic of incredible evil.
Discovered your blog yesterday. I think writing your observations of our failing multicultural society, on a personal day to day basis, is an excellent platform to reach out to others who suspect that they are not the only one with similar negative experiences dealing with non-whites in the real world. My suggestion: Keep it at this level. There are enough people out there on the net espousing the causes of our current condition. Resist the urge to "name" the culprits. Let the readers connect the dots and come to their own conclusions. By doing so you fill a nitch in the White Race consciousness movement on the web not occupied and don't scare away newbies prematurely. THANKS and keep up the good work!
Thanks Gordon. Yes, I've been tempted to start lobbing shots at the responsible parties right off, but I don't want to scare people off. The average person is so brainwashed by Television and what they've been taught in school that they have an instant, knee-jerk negative reaction to the truth. They don't believe it. But then the cognitive dissonance sets in. They don't want to believe the truth, but the truth is unavoidable. All they need to do is look at who writes or publishes their schoolbooks from K - 12, then look at who writes college texts or who acts as the gatekeeper for college textbooks and so on. The system is tightly controlled. People know "something" is wrong. The TV and schools and movies tell them that everyone is the same, all they need is a chance, etc. But then they see the majority of blacks and latinos mired in poverty and acting with extreme violence toward Whites. Day after day. Year after year. No wonder so many Whites are basket cases. But this is all material for another post - and it will be! Again, thanks for writing.
By 2030 75% of the federal budget will go to Medicare,Medicade,and Social Security (GAO Office). Whaz gonna happen when big government doesn't have enough money to keep a lid on things by buying off blacks and browns and intimidating whites?
I don't think we're going to have to wait until 2030 to see what's going to happen. Try 2010 - 2012. I think we're that close. I'm hoping the whole thing tips and tips soon. Better to get it over with sooner than later.
Glad to see your comments regarding jury duty.
Yeah, I was called downtown about a month after you, and, like you, had been called three years prior. I think it's down to the point where whitey is such a minority that the entire eligible pool cycled through in three years.
Fortunately I wasn't picked for a jury, but almost was. I got to see the officers of the court: the judge was a colored female, what used to be known as "high yellow", the evil DA was a very young Asian female and the bailiff looked like he should have been pushing one of those taco carts. ALL of the other employees I saw were non-white, except for one or two deputies.
You're right about civil service; these bastards get paid a living wage with great benefits, with no fear of losing their jobs. That's why the mestizo working class drive around in shiny new cars while their white counterparts get peanuts, usually with no benefits.
As an aside, I was a little tired of the goddamn mestizo LAPD officers and their hard looks. Not the usual eye-contact that many cops give you, but hard mad-dog looks. Mestizos are so pack-oriented that it's easy for them to find fierce allegiance with any group, no matter the cause, and the hated LAPD is just another gang for them.
Sudaev, good to hear from you. Yeah, the mestizo LAPD officers and Sheriff's deputies all present a certain attitude while strutting around. These authoritarian, pack oriented weasels don't even realize that if testing levels were where they should be, 90% or more of them would not have been hired. I'll go into that and the racial make-up of the court officers and others I saw in the next installment.
Lived in SF Bay Area for 35 yrs and moved to the LA Area in 1999. I could not believe the racist attitudes the Mexicans had towards whites.
I consider LA to be the "ARM PIT" of Southern California.
Most whites, who do not live in this environment will not understand.
Your efforts on this blog are appreciated.
Just discovered your blog via a South Africa Sucks link. Can't thank you enough. I have escaped to Northern California, but I know it will not be long before the invasion reaches us. I was in the Bay Area, but have now moved even further NORTH. Seems "Go North young man, go North" is the slogan of the day. I hate being a coward for wanting to get away from the turd worlders, but it is a horrible way to live amongst those inferiors. I will now go to your site EVERY day. I really admire your courage. Just stay safe - but I love your attitude and your refusal to pay homage to the savages.
Entertaining and telling: kudos!
Pls link to my new blog: ""
Great Blog!
Look forward to more!
I know ju is responsible for the antiwhite, no need to spell it out.
I discovered your blog about two weeks ago from via a link on the Detroit sucks blog. Anyway I really like it,it's unique in California as far as I know.
I live up north in Stockton just south of Sacramento. Stockton is
only a third as bad as L.A. right now but I know wich way the wind is blowing. As L.A. is now Stockton
will be.
As a truck driver I was horrified by how bad L.A. has gotten. Those buses with the "Morning Invasion"
on them. The mexcriment is most certainly having a laugh at whitey.
The rudeness you get at places you drop loads off at. Most of the warehouses I go to down there never seem to have more than one person who can speak english and
not a white man in sight,or anyone
not mexican for that matter.
Your blog will be a revelation for many who live in the same State and
even more of a revelation for out of state types who seem to believe our state is nothing but blondes with big tits or fags. I can't totaly blame peoples ignorence the media doesn't want you to know.
Anyway I hope you keep giving us the small picture your life in L.A. and observations about your city. I hope you don't let it get much bigger than State level.Lot's of folks want to give the big picture the international picture,
some have PhD's. But too few want to do the small picture wich is just as important in awakening people. I look foward to see how you handle naming those who are to blame for our condition. I'm sure you'll break it to them gently.
Anyway keep those photos comming and keep doing what you do with excellence and style.
You should write about how dangerous it is to drive here in Southern California. I live in Orange County and can tell you the mexicans have made it a nightmare. The Asians are crappy drivers also but a lot of the time the beaners and groids are screwing things up on purpose.
fuck you and your white bulshit
if it weren't for mexicans and other oppressed people you fucking honkeys wouldn't have anything
you can't do anyhting without us and you steal things from us and say you invented it
show your real face and i'll make sure i kick your ass when i see you in LA you fucking puto
You need an update! The Mexican should be proud of their heritage,
they burned and destroyed all of the Astec and Mayan culture. Their
Spanish partners killed off with guns and desease all who opposed their corrupt rule. (sound familar)
They stole, raped, murdered all of
the local Indians north and south of Mexico and did not pay for any
of the Indian lands or gave them
Reservations to live on?
Mexico has the highest crime rates
in all of the civil world, they have the poorest people, most un-
educated people with little or no
retirement programs unless you are
a teacher or corrupt federal worker
again (sound familiar). The so called government in charge pro-
vides little or no assistance in
jobs, medicine, education unless you kick in and pay for it, it is
free? Now La Raza wants to con-
vince North America that they are
the way to live as an example of
what? Drug gangs, kidnappings, random shootings and killings.
Destroying neighborhoods once pros-
perous and once looked nice now look like war zones and dead zones!
Who want's to be like La Raza,
the "race" that destroyed Centeral
America, Destroyed two Indian her-
itages, and won't even admit that
they are Indians. That is where there brown and red skins come from
not the Spanish. Not the Europeans
who dominated Mexico for 360 years,
but indians. What part of the 1500
Mexicans of undocumented births for
17 years do you want to claim that
lived in California when Spain not
Mexico governed California on the coast do you want us to believe IN!
NO Thanks, I'll stay American, if
you wasn't born in Mexico you are
not a Mexican and a Mexican isn't a
race and there are more brown skin
people in India and Asia then all
of Mexico. Admit that you are an
Indian La Raza because they are a
race of people from Asia. Admit that you stole and ruined Mexico and now want to do the same to the
United States of America and then
go back to Mexico and live in the
bed you made. Go rebuild Mexico with your fake Race or go Rebuild
Mexico with real undocumented
Mexicans and take over the country
from where you came from. Be proud
of your mixed race of Eurpeans and
conqured Indians and see how many
pure raced Indians fight you for the right to own Mexico. The most
southern tip of Mexico proves your
point why are you not helping them?
First off fuck whitey!!! YOU losers are dying off any way, no one wants another pecker wood cracker dumbass like bush in office again!! All you see on t.v. is how L.A. is suppose to be the place to be... But as you have said Whitey don't run shit any more. The world is changing,and whitey, is soon to be conqured your out numbered and it is only just a matter of bastard cunt!!!
More hilarious posts. I know Whites don't run L.A. or the US anymore, and I also know blacks and latinos will never run anything, except cities into the ground. I'm not a fotune teller, but I do believe that eventually the whole system will collapse in on itself, forcing people, meaning White people, to see themselves as a distinct group, meaning they'll correct a lot of their problems. When this happens, blacks and browns will be out of luck, because without White charity in the form of welfare, WIC, food stamps, affirmative action, buildings that aren't made of straw or mud or both, man pants, shoes, and so on, blacks and browns will make a full return to their native and natural states. Good for them. LOL
They'll be the subject of future documentary programs on TV, showing them constantly at war with their own, fighting over hunting areas, fighting over puddles of water for drinking, fighting over squat, bannana titted squaws, pigeons as part of their food source and more.
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